
Many years ago, a friend and I were both going through a rough time. We both had crazy things happening in our lives and decided we needed to simplify, clean house and move on. It was that day that we created our mantra – “remove the chaos.”

A couple decades later, my friend was living a happy, full life. Me, on the other hand? My life was loaded with stumbles, struggles and disappointments. My personal life, home and career had essentially fallen apart, riddled with conflict, loneliness, anger and despair – there was no focus, progress or satisfaction.

When I asked myself “how did I get to this place?” and “how do I fix it?” I found myself recalling my mantra from an earlier time when I thought things were bad, but in reality, things were so much better. I had found the answer, but had never truly committed to taking the small steps I needed to enjoy that more peaceful life we had imagined.

So where to go from there? I decided to recommit to that simple, yet profound, plan I made with my friend decades ago, and try, in ways both small and large, to remove the chaos from my life.

This blog is about my journey to get beyond the struggle.

Be present. Live simply. Find peace. Remove the chaos.

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