Carpe Diem

Under my picture in my high school yearbook read Carpe Diem. I was smart, driven and wise beyond my years and wanted to say something that I thought truly represented me, something that captured my personality and how I would live my life.

Carpe diem was the beginning of three decades of thinking about how I would live instead of really living!. And now, decades later, I’m still trying to figure out when my dream will begin and how to make my life much more worth living.

Live for the day for you’ll never know what tomorrow will bring? Not in my world. How about “dwell in the past, have a miserable outlook on the future and forget today matters at all?” I’m not sure I can translate that into Latin, but it’s the caption I’d surely place under my picture now. Sad, but true.

But that can change if I think it can, I believe it can and I make it happen.

Let the journey begin for today is all we really have.  Time to drop the past and stop worrying about the future and start living instead of just thinking about living.

Carpe Diem!

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