Everything is Created Twice

How do we make things?  First, we have an idea.  Maybe we put it on paper (or electronic paper), maybe we discuss it with others, maybe we blog about it. But first that “thing” is a thought before it becomes a thing – we create it in our mind and then we create it as a thing; essentially we create it twice.

The same happens in our minds.  First we have a thought and then that thought becomes an experience.  Sometimes we create a positive thought and that becomes our experience, other times, we might create a less positive thought, one that we obsess over, worry about, resent, become angry about.  Sometimes the thought consumes us and it becomes reality.

Be aware of your thoughts and what they will create.  Hold on to the thoughts that create something great in your life and let go of the thoughts that become a reality you don’t desire.  If you are going to use your precious time and energy, create something that makes your life better, not something that wears you down.

Remember: everything is created twice , first in our minds and then in our lives. If you don’t want it in your life, don’t create it in your mind.

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